Timothy A. Wilkerson

Timothy A. Wilkerson

Timothy A. Wilkerson has been seriously exploring the value of astrology since 1984 when he studied at Paracelsus College, with Frater Albertus, a renowned Alchemist and teacher. He began applying this knowledge as a professional astrologer in 2011 helping people to ‘know thyself’ and to bring light to the question: “Why am I here?” He is the author of the handbook “Alchemy Astrology: Lost Key To The Philosopher’s Stone”, and “Awakening to Enlightenment”.


The Astrology of the Stars – This workshop will reveal the astronomical form of charting called sidereal astrology. It will show you how to re-align your birth chart with the original ancient concept of the physical constellations and their associated influences, which will, in turn, reveal your secret individual astrology – something only you, or someone very close to you, can confirm. The better we know ourselves, the more easily spirituality can be experienced.

Workshop handout: www.brushwood.com/misc/astrology.pdf